
Áður fyrr hélt fólk að ákveðnar kryddjurtir væru vörn gegn tröllum. Brauð og salt var gjarnan innflutningsgjöf til að varna hungri. Langafi gat stoppað blæðingar með því að fara með þulu. Illt skyldi með illu út kveða. En það heyrir sögunni til að nota galdra gegn því sem vekur ugg og ótta.

En óttinn er enn til staðar, þrátt fyrir allar heimsins tækniframfarir og þekkingu. Kannski er þetta sami ótti, í nýjum búningi. Við hræðumst það sem við skiljum ekki.

Það hlýtur að vera einhver leið til að verjast tröllunum.

17 km

Documentation of a performance and part of the photo serie Welcome Here about public and privat spaces and who it belonges to.
An historical fragment was used as a startingpoint:
“In the year 950, a settler woman named Þórgerður from the isolated fjords of Norway, stepped ashore at
Ingólfshöfði. By law, a settlement woman could make claim to land if she was able to lead full calf heifer from sunrise to sunset. Þórgerður led her heifer from Kvíá and west towards Jökulsfell and claimed all the land of Ingólfshöfði between Kvíá and Jökulsá.”

Short version of a 4,5 hour walk recording around the Reykjavik city boarder:

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welcome here


Book with collected stories from the places visited.
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64°8’41’’N, 21°55’18’’W
You are hesitant on the phone. The attic is not really part of your apartment but belongs to all the other people in the same building. They all store their things up there and how would they feel if they found an unknown person building nests in their tucked away belongings.
There has been at least a year since we spoke last. A lot has happened in the time that past and we try to reconnect while you pile up blankets, sheets and the cover of the sofa for me to bring up the rickety stairs. It is dusty and I bang my head in the slanted ceiling.
You call your parents while I build my nest out of your neighbour’s belongings.”